
A new structuring partnership to optimize the support offered to Quebecers facing cancer

July 21, 2022 

The Quebec Cancer Foundation and Espace partenaires en cancérologie, an initiative of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CIUSSS-EMTL), have joined forces to enhance care and services offered to patients in Quebec.

The primary mission of Espace partenaires en cancérologie consists of increasing awareness of the services, initiatives and resources available to persons living with cancer, not only at the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, but everywhere in Quebec. We’re able to provide personalized support to people who are seeking help and advice.” emphasizes Déborah Pascale, assistant director responsible for the CIUSSS-EMTL’s cancer program.

Every 9 minutes, a Quebecer learns that he has cancer. People dealing with this new reality deserve support and information, provided in the most optimal ways possible, so as to better cope with their diagnosis. In this end, patients who contact Espace partenaires en cancérologie will be informed of all of the support and assistance resources available, as the Info-cancer Hotline and other programs and services offered by the Quebec Cancer Foundation.

The experienced oncology nurses and documentalists of the Info-cancer Hotline will provide answers to their questions about cancer and its treatments, and guide them on ways to feel better. They can also refer them to the free consultation services offered by the Foundation’s nutritionists and psychologists.

Our expertise, combined with the relevance of our Info-cancer Hotline and physical well-being and psychological support programs, allow us to meet the needs of more Quebecers with cancer and support them through this journey. Together, we will be able to facilitate the access to adapted support for these people, either online or in person,” stated Marco Décelles, General Manager of the Quebec Cancer Foundation.

By mobilizing their resources and expertise, the two organizations are acting on their shared desire to optimize access to support and to enhance the well-being of Quebecers facing cancer and of their loved ones, across the province.

The partnership between Espace partenaires en cancérologie and the Quebec Cancer Foundation couldn’t be a better fit. Both organizations are focused on the value of cooperation and mutual aid! This partnership will allow us to highlight the vast range of services offered by the Quebec Cancer Foundation, for the benefit of people facing cancer,” noted Sandie Oberoi, patient and project manager for the CIUSSS-EMTL’s Espace partenaires en cancérologie.

CIUSSS de l'Est-Île-de-Montréal

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