
Help build a strong Foundation for the future

Planned giving, whether it be in the moment or in the future, is a way of continuing to support initiatives associated with cancer and to directly help people struggling with cancer today and in coming years.

A simple gesture with a major impact!

Planned giving is generally included in one’s financial or estate planning and can be structured to allow for immediate or future donations. The process is designed to reflect your wishes and philanthropic intentions, while giving due respect to personal, family and fiscal considerations. This type of giving procures significant tax advantages to you or to your estate. 

Helping to build a strong Foundation for the future – an effective and generous way of continuing to support the Quebec Cancer Foundation while also inspiring your loved ones!

The Quebec Cancer Foundation offers a number of planned giving options: bequest/legacy gift, gift of a life insurance policy, donation of securities/publicly traded shares, endowment fund and more.

We are here to support you and simplify your process

For more information or for any questions, please write to

[email protected]

or call Nathalie Blanchet

Director, Financial Development at 

514-527-2194, ext. 251.

Organization Registration Number: 107391963 RR 0001

Every moment is a gift!

Help us spread even more hope the holidays. Make a donation that will be worth 2 X more* and change the lives of every patient and their family.

*Donations are doubled until December 31.

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