Association québécoise des personnes stomisées

The members of these associations and their volunteers are mainly active in assisting new surgeries and in disseminating various information through meetings, newsletters, conferences, etc.

Service offerings

Support group

Complementary information: Opening hours: Location where the service is offered: Fees:


Complementary information: Opening hours: Location where the service is offered: Fees:


Complementary information: Directory of regional associations of ostomates in Quebec - See website under the tab 'Associations'. Opening hours: Location where the service is offered: Fees:

Information and documentation

Complementary information: Organization dedicated to the defence of the rights of ostomy bearers. Opening hours: Location where the service is offered: The organization redirects requests to the appropriate region. Fees:

This directory brings together community, association and public resources. The information it contains is offered for informational purposes. The Quebec Cancer Foundation is not responsible for the availability or the quality of the services offered by the organizations listed. The Quebec Cancer Foundation does not exercise any control, supervision or direction with regard to the services provided by the resources referred, and is not responsible for these services. As for the accuracy of the information provided and the content of the sites suggested in this directory, certain errors may have crept in and the Foundation does not guarantee its exhaustiveness. Please report any inaccuracies to us at: