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Centre de Bien-être de l’Ouest de l’Île pour personnes atteintes de cancer

The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre exists to provide people living with cancer with caring support and comprehensive information for mind, body and spirit.

Service offerings

Psychologist and social worker

Complementary information: Counseling program for people affected by cancer. Person with cancerCaregiver of a person with cancer Opening hours: By appointment, in person or via Zoom Location where the service is offered: Kirkland Fees: Free

Support group

Complementary information: Support group for people living with cancer from the time of diagnosis to one year after the end of treatment.Oncourage: ( a service that allows anyone living with cancer and their caregivers to create a private and personalized web page to share with family and friends. People with cancer and their families Opening hours: Check the organization's website for the meeting schedule. Location where the service is offered: KirklandVirtual, live broadcast Fees: Free

Other complementary therapies

Complementary information: Therapeutic touch, massage therapy, yoga, nutrition workshop. Opening hours: Check the organization's website for the workshop schedule. Location where the service is offered: Kirkland. Online, live broadcast. Fees: Free.

This directory brings together community, association and public resources. The information it contains is offered for informational purposes. The Quebec Cancer Foundation is not responsible for the availability or the quality of the services offered by the organizations listed. The Quebec Cancer Foundation does not exercise any control, supervision or direction with regard to the services provided by the resources referred, and is not responsible for these services. As for the accuracy of the information provided and the content of the sites suggested in this directory, certain errors may have crept in and the Foundation does not guarantee its exhaustiveness. Please report any inaccuracies to us at: [email protected]