Sample questions to ask your pivot nurse

Sample questions to ask your pivot nurse

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Sample questions to ask your pivot nurse

Info-cancer nurses Brigitte Fournier and Louise Plaisance have prepared the following list of sample questions you may want to ask your pivot nurse. Both Brigitte and Louise worked for many years as pivot nurses in Quebec City.

Cancer and its treatment

  • When can I talk to you and why would I? Please give me examples.
  • Can you remind me of the stage of my disease? What is TNM staging?
  • Can you explain my treatment schedule and how long it will last?
  • Can you describe what my day at the cancer clinic/in preoperative planning/radiation therapy planning will look like?
  • How will I know my cancer is getting better after the treatments?
  • Will I be able to go on vacation during the course of my treatment?
  • Will I be able to babysit my grandchildren during my treatment?
  • Will I be able to keep working during my treatment?
  • Can I come to my treatments by myself? Do I need someone to come with me?
  • Should I be on a special diet during my treatment?
  • What can I expect after surgery?
  • When will I be able to go back to my activities/work?
  • Will I need more treatments after?
  • Will I be able to keep exercising during my treatment?

Difficulties in adapting to cancer (feel free to talk about your fears and worries)

  • I need to talk to someone. Can I come and see you between my treatments?
  • Why do you screen for distress?
  • Why do you do an initial assessment of needs?

Resources available

  • What resources are available to me (example: psychological support, transportation, home care, financial aid)?
  • What should I do if I don’t feel well when the cancer clinic is closed?
  • Who are the members of your interdisciplinary team of professionals?
  • What community organizations can help me?
  • Do you have a list of their services?

Primary cancers treated by immunotherapy

Prostate cancer

Breast cancer

Getting ready

Side effects of the primary immunotherapy treatments​

Testicular cancer

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