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The Oncology Care Continuum

The Oncology Care Continuum

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The Oncology Care Continuum


The Direction de la lutte contre le cancer (2011) defines the oncology care continuum as being made up of four periods: investigation, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.

The investigation period involves the onset of cancer symptoms and the wait for screening and investigation test results.

The diagnosis period is the announcement of the cancer diagnosis and the wait for treatments.

The treatment period corresponds to the start of treatments or their modification if the cancer returns.

Finally, the follow-up period signals the end of treatments and the transition to survivorship, when medical follow-up and monitoring tests will need to be performed.

Two more periods – palliative care and end-of-life care – may also be added.

The Oncology Care Continuum (in french): 


Source : Lise Fillion, inf., Ph.D., Chantal Vézina, M.Ps. U.L.

Primary cancers treated by immunotherapy

Prostate cancer

Breast cancer

Getting ready

Side effects of the primary immunotherapy treatments​

Testicular cancer

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