Massage therapy
Complementary information:
The André-Côté Foundation offers massage therapy treatments lasting 20-30 minutes to people with cancer.
The service is provided by certified massage therapists in oncology.
People with cancer
Opening hours:
By appointment
Location where the service is offered:
Kamouraska, Saint-Roch des Aulnaies and Sainte-Louise
FreeFinancial help
Complementary information:
Financial assistance for gas, parking, accommodation. Criteria: living on the territory of the MRC of Kamouraska, St-Roch des Aulnaies or Ste-Louise; gross income less than 30 000$ for a single person; 50 000 $ for a couple.
Opening hours:
Location where the service is offered:
Kamouraska, Saint-Roch des Aulnaies and Sainte-Louise
All services are free.Accompaniment in severe diagnosis
Complementary information:
Opening hours:
Location where the service is offered:
Kamouraska, Saint-Roch des Aulnaies and Sainte-Louise
All services are free.Transportation and accompaniment
Complementary information:
Opening hours:
Location where the service is offered:
Kamouraska, Saint-Roch des Aulnaies and Sainte-Louise
All services are Free.Frienship visits
Complementary information:
Friendship visits.
Opening hours:
Location where the service is offered:
Kamouraska, Saint-Roch des Aulnaies and Sainte-Louise
All services are free.