Serge D.'s story: alleviating the financial burden of cancer

Serge D.’s story: alleviating the financial burden of cancer

“I understand that the Support program for daily living activities will not solve my financial situation, but it is nonetheless a valuable source of support.”

In February 2023, after several months spent trying to figure out what ailed me (during which time I received an erroneous diagnosis), I learned that I had anal cancer.

Being self-employed, this diagnosis had a shattering impact on my professional activities; I had to significantly cut back on my working hours, which led to a significant drop in income. Imagine going from a situation of financial stability to a world of uncertainty in one fell swoop… while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy… that was me, one year ago.

This financial pressure exacerbated the already difficult burden of my illness and represented an additional stress that I could have done without. Receiving a cancer diagnosis has an impact on our daily activities, which in turn affects our finances, as the bills and other expenses continue to pile up.

A concrete initiative to meet financial imperatives

Luckily, my social worker told me about the PAVQ, the Quebec Cancer Foundation’s Support program for daily living activities, and suggested that I submit a request. I cannot emphasize how important this is, particularly when we consider that being struck with cancer is definitely challenging.

“I understand that the Support program for daily living activities will not solve my financial situation, but it is nonetheless a valuable source of support. This support is all the more welcome given that available financial resources (government or community) for people in my shoes are truly scarce. This dearth of help often triggers human tragedies. Our government has got significant work to do in this regard.”

You make the difference

When left to face a healthcare system that is floundering and barely humane or kind, it is greatly reassuring to know some people and organizations step up to help people with cancer. The Quebec Cancer Foundation meets this essential need by facilitating access to its interprofessional oncology team and its various services in the areas of support, lodgings and companionship for patients, loved ones and health network professionals. All of this makes a real difference in our lives!

Some other interesting testimonials


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“We all had one thing in common, a shared desire to give, and yes, to travel.”